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At Weitzman, our research focuses on three areas: social determinants of health, primary care transformation, and marginalized populations. Our bench applies our expertise in a range of methodologies such as mixed methods, implementation science, and community-based participatory research, to address pressing issues in primary care.
Social Determinants Of Health
At Weitzman, we design and execute educational initiatives, conduct applied research, and provide thought leadership in policy to examine and solve for upstream factors beyond the four walls of clinical practice. We believe that our work and leadership in this space is essential for promoting the well-being of individuals, families, and communities, particularly those who are disproportionately affected by historical and structural inequities.
![Social-Determinants-Image[1] Social-Determinants-Image[1]](https://www.weitzmaninstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/elementor/thumbs/Social-Determinants-Image1-r0067l9tifk2trq69ixy4ucije5r5ce3gavyg5owlc.jpg)
![Primay-Care-Landing-Page-Image[1] Primay-Care-Landing-Page-Image[1]](https://www.weitzmaninstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/elementor/thumbs/Primay-Care-Landing-Page-Image1-r0067l9tifk2trq69ixy4ucije5r5ce3gavyg5owlc.jpg)
Health Systems Transformation
At Weitzman, our team has a track record of working with and adding value to health systems across the country by helping healthcare entities adopt best practices in leadership and management; develop and implement high-performance processes while eliminating non-value-added steps; and improve overall staff and patient satisfaction. Moreover, our comprehensive approach to couple training and technical assistance efforts with rigorous evaluation ensures that our work takes into account the regulatory, political, and economic context of our stakeholders, as well as the complex priorities of clinical practices, to support the long-term sustainability of improvements.
Workforce Development
At Weitzman, we recognize that the healthcare workforce is the backbone of primary care. Thus, our portfolio focuses on strengthening the skills of the primary care workforce at all levels. Our portfolio also works to provide greater visibility and support for community health workers, peer coaches, and other team members who help the current workforce to operate more efficiently. We stay true to our safety-net health system origins by emphasizing workforce development in and for limited resource settings. We address workforce development from an equity standpoint by promoting a workforce that looks like and/or better relates to safety-net patients and communities as a means of moving the needle on health equity.