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Weight Management in Community Health

Weitzman ECHO Weight Management in Community Health delivers a curriculum to address the educational needs of the multidisciplinary clinical care team caring for patients with obesity or overweight. This ECHO series connects primary care medical providers and clinicians to a community of peers and subject-matter experts to improve providers’ weight management with patients. At each session, subject-matter experts provide guidance from a multidisciplinary team approach to address patients’ complex health needs to better assess, treat, and care for patients. Topics in the curriculum include the biology and complexity of obesity, impacts of social determinants of health on obesity, establishing trust and goals using motivational interviewing techniques, lifestyle management, and team-based care.
This ECHO series is designed for primary care settings. Enrollment is now full but primary care medical providers, behavioral health providers, and other care team members may add their names to the waitlist. Please visit Weitzman ECHO Weight Management in Community Health on the Weitzman Education Platform to learn more.
This Weitzman ECHO program is offered in collaboration with our partner organization, The France Foundation, and is supported by an independent medical educational grant from Lilly.