Nursing Home COVID-19 Safety Program

NursingHome websmall

The Weitzman Institute has collaborated with the University of New Mexico’s ECHO Institute and AHRQ to help deliver the Project ECHO Nursing Home COVID-19 Safety Program to nursing homes across the country. This ECHO meets weekly for 16 consecutive weeks across 6 different cohorts in order to provide information on the rapidly evolving COVID-19 pandemic to those working on the frontlines in nursing homes. This informative ECHO program is targeted towards medical and nursing directors, physicians, nurses, certified nursing assistants, infection control staff and other valuable care team members who work in nursing homes.

Across our 6 cohorts we have 6 different multidisciplinary faculty panels with expertise in nursing, infection disease control, nursing home administration, geriatrics and more. The Nursing Home COVID-19 Safety Program ECHO provides those working in nursing homes across the country the support and advice they need to keep our vulnerable nursing home population and those who work within these facilities, safe.

Participant Testimonials

“I greatly benefitted from the education and discussion pertaining to the Psychological PPEs – I thought that [the faculty] really “hit home” with the message to support and nurture our Staff Members – THANK YOU! Also, Doing the three gratitude exercise is also a great exercise to do with our Staff – love it!”

“It’s nice to hear what others are struggling with at their facilities and gain insight from how they handled the issues and learn from their mistakes or success. It’s wonderful to know we are in this together and learning from one another.”